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Submitting assessments with an Excel csv file instead of a CTF file

Instructions for submitting your assessment results by using an Excel csv file

You may find using an Excel file could be easier than submitting a CTF file direct from the school MIS system.

A blank copy of the csv file can be found here:  Phonics Input Sheet (Excel doc) [241B]

  1. Download and save to your computer
  2. Starting on row 3 add the information asked for under each heading
  3. The Local Authority No. is 926
  4. The School Estab No. is your school 4 digit DfE number
  5. The Child's Surname, Forename, UPN, Gender, Date of Birth and Year Group are required for all pupils
  • Gender to be M or F (not boy / girl)
  • Date of birth to be in dd/mm/yyyy format e.g. 27/11/2016
  • Year Group (only Yr 2 for this collection) in simple format 2 (not Yr 2) 

If the child took the test then the score must be entered in Check Mark Result Qualifier - and the Check Outcome Result Qualifier left BLANK.

If the child did NOT take the test then the score must be left BLANK in Check Mark Result Qualifier - and the Check Outcome Result Qualifier must be used with either A, D or L. (Absent, Did not take the test or Left.)

Enter all the children - check the FAQ page if you are unsure about pupils with different circumstances.

Save the file using the following naming convention:  PHONICS_926nnnn_21.csv  The nnnn is the School Estab number so if your school number is 1234 then the file will be PHONICS_9261234_21.csv

The send the file via Anycomms Plus in the same manner as you would send a CTF file - refer to the Crib Sheet for more details.