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Module 12: Whole school culture and ethos

Use this module to:

  1. Know how the learning from RSHE supports the whole school culture and ethos
  2. Identify elements of RSHE learning that can be practised and embedded throughout the school's provision
  3. Understand how RSHE can challenge bullying as a group behaviour
  4. Identify how RSHE can support 'belonging' to a school, making a difference to children and young people's progress

Module 12: Video

Module 12: Tasks

  • Share the 5 social and emotional learning competencies with subject leads to ensure there are opportunities to demonstrate these within their subjects.
  • Share the Anti-Bullying Alliance resources with SLT, making explicit links to RSHE learning and anti-bullying strategies within relevant school policies.
  • School council or other pupil voice group complete an environment walk to consider how it supports a culture and ethos of belonging.

Module 12: References

Module 12: Further learning