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EY Committees Toolkit

What is a committee

Introduction, useful terminology and resources

Getting started

Following on from the AGM where you have been elected these are the first things to consider

Roles and responsibilities

Constitution, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and All committee roles


Committee members meeting, Minutes, AGM and EGMs

Managing staff

Understanding the staff roles, tools for communicating, supervision and staff files

Staff recruitment

Advertising, induction, qualifications


There are many training opportunities for committees. You will need to book a place via your Early Years Portal


Ofsted regulate childcare in England and have a responsibility for registering and inspecting childcare provision.

Safeguarding and safety

Local Authority Designated Officer , information sharing, safer recruitment, UK GDPR, record retention and safety

Business planning and finance

Forecasting, budget setting, fundraising, lease/rental agreements, staffing expenditure policy, business and marketing plans, finance and portal access