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Make an SRB referral

All Specialist Resource Base (SRB) referrals are made using the online SRB referral form (opens new window).

(If you have problems accessing the form via this link, please email the SRB team at with the details.)

What to consider before making a referral

Before a school submits a referral to an SRB there are a number of pre-referral requirements that must be met.

Through the graduated approach (assess, plan, do review) the school will have identified a pupil who needs additional support over and above Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS).

It will be understood that the school's own strategies for inclusion and reasonable adjustments will have been exhausted along with any additional support available to them. This will need to be evidenced as part of the referral.

The SRB for which a referral is made must be aware of both the child and the referral, and discussions must be held prior to submitting a referral. No referral should be submitted to any SRB without a discussion with the relevant lead teacher having first taken place.

The following referral arrangements will apply:

  • Where the child is on a school roll, referrals for SRB are made by the home school that the child attends
  • Where the child is not on a school roll and has an Education Health and Care plan, the referral will be made by the child's EHCP Coordinator
  • Where the child is not on a school roll or is seeking a place upon entry to statutory schooling and does not have an EHCP, the general schools admissions process should apply - a referral will then be made by the school at which the child is enrolled
  • All Deaf Resource base referrals will be made by a Teacher of the Deaf

While parents and carers cannot make a direct referral they must be involved in discussions about the SRB placement and agree to the referral and placement. This could include visiting the SRB at an agreed time although this is not a prerequisite for agreeing a place.

Visits and observations by the SRB lead teacher may also be arranged prior to the admissions panel meeting to support recommendations to the local authority.

Telephone advice from the Specialist Partner and/or Educational Psychologist is available to lead teachers to support placement recommendations. It is not an expectation that SPs or EPs undertake visits to pupils in home schools prior to admission to an SRB, except in complex cases.

The home school must agree to the terms and conditions of placement (PDF) [123KB] at the point of referral, including agreeing to the expectations of the home school during the placement and the relevant contribution rate.

SRB Placement contributions

Home schools are charged a set contribution. This is a pro rata amount of Basic Per Pupil Element (BPPE) funding according to the length of placement.

The charges will be pro rata to the nearest term. Should the home school change midway during the placement the originating home school will continue to pay the charge for the duration of the placement within the current financial year. This is because the home school retains the BPPE funding and other pupil led funding until the end of the financial year.

Before you begin the form

You'll find it helpful to have this information to hand before you start completing the referral form:

  • The learner's Unique Pupil Number (UPN) - a UPN consists of one letter followed by 12 digits eg A123456789123
  • Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) including appendices (if appropriate)
  • Educational Psychologist report
  • Evidence of current attainment and progress
  • Supplementary evidence including Learning Plan and Attendance Record (all specialisms)
  • Evidence of consent from the learner, the parent or carer and head of current school
  •  Speech & Language Therapy (SLCN only)
  • Personal Support Plan or equivalent and risk assessment (SEMH only)
  • Any additional supplementary evidence relevant to the referral, eg other professional reports

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