Web pages in Safeguarding section
Get in touch with the safeguarding team
Quick links to forms and templates designed to help you with your safeguarding functions including model policy
Access management information sheets and other resources to update your safeguarding knowledge
Safeguarding information, guidance, and resources to help education settings maintain high standards of safeguarding practice
Safeguarding news
Financially motivated sexual extortion: an alert for education settings, Multi-agency chronologies for child protection conferences, ACT for Education E-learning Guidance, Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA)
The revised guidance the Department for Education (DfE) published for is information only at this stage so that schools and colleges can plan for the commencement of the guidance on 1 September 2024.
The Gypsy Roma Traveller graduated offer of fully-funded support is a comprehensive and flexible programme, providing schools and settings with the guidance and tools to meet the needs of GRT children and young people (CYP).
Our revised fully-funded RSHE graduated offer of support provides schools and settings with the guidance and tools to meet the RSHE needs of children and young people, including those with SEND.
Web pages related to Safeguarding
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