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Interpretation services

INTRAN interpreting and translation

Interpretation services available to schools (opens new window) is a 5-minute video that explains how to use the Language Line interpretation service, and includes an example of a Language Line call.

For more details of how to use this service, please email:

Norfolk County Council has been accessing interpreting and translation services through its membership in the INTRAN partnership for almost 20 years. Under this partnership, public sector organisations access quality, professional and experienced interpreting services while enjoying the benefits of best value by INTRAN using its bargaining power to get value for money services.

INTRAN provides:

  • Face to face interpretation (this needs to be booked in advance) and is recommended for meeting with parents, especially regarding PEP SEN, safeguarding issues and sensitive issues.
  • Telephone interpretation (there is no need to pre-book an interpreter as it takes on average only 60 seconds to access an interpreter). This option can be used as a three-way service where people can be called in their homes when they are not with you. More information on using the Language Line telephone interpreting service is available as a downloadable PDF (PDF) [420KB].
  • A written translation service which enables school to have key letters, documents, and or examinations translated into a range of languages.

The benefits for schools choosing this option to access interpreting and translation services results in:

  • Reduced risks, particularly in relation to safeguarding
  • Better outcomes for students, parents and schools
  • Students and parents being able to give consent through fully understanding the information provided
  • Improved access to services
  • Saving staff time and costs through INTRAN carrying out all procurement and ongoing contractual management of the contracts

Norfolk County Council schools

You are already able to access interpreting and translation services through INTRAN. There is therefore no membership fee, but there is a charge for each service listed above.

To find out your school's INTRAN code:

Academies and Free Schools (non-LA schools)

You are able to access INTRAN services for interpreting and translation, and can secure membership at preferential rates. To do this:

  • Contact your MAT/Academy Trust to join their existing subscription if they have INTRAN membership already
  • Contact to arrange membership to INTRAN as advocated by Norfolk Country Council's Children's Services

Google Translate

A 5-minute video on how to use Google Translate with EAL pupils in a classroom setting (opens new window) is also available on YouTube.

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