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English as an additional language (EAL) for Early Years

Top tips for celebrating cultural diversity

  • Include books showing people and places from all around the world as well as stories from other countries and books in other languages
  • Have skin tone crayons, paints, paper and markers available
  • In the role play area, include dolls with different skin tones, genders and multicultural clothes for both the dolls and the children
  • In the role play area include cooking utensils and different types of food and packaging
  • Include puzzles that reflect different cultures
  • Use musical instruments from around the world
  • Display objects of interest eg pieces of pottery, animals or fabric from other countries
  • Introduce healthy food from around the world at the snack table
  • Inviting parents to read or talk to the children about the country that they come from at story time
  • Provide opportunities to listen to music and stories in the children's home language from around the world
  • Use puppets reflecting cultural diversity
  • Introduce a travelling teddy bear that children can take home, on holidays, take photographs of and talk about when they return to the setting
  • Display texts in different languages