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Get Information about Pupils (GIAP)

Following the decommissioning of the DfE's Key To Success (on 1st June 2023) there is now just one DfE resource that allows schools (and the LAs) to search for pupils details.

Get Information About Pupils (GIAP)

This allows users to search for for and download pupils' end-of-Key Stage results data and their contextual indicators, including Pupil Premium information. This allows all users to search by names and date of birth - it does NOT require the pupil UPN, but can be used as well.

GIAP currently (as at 02 June 2023) contains the following pupil assessment data

- KS1 2005-06 to 2021-22  (no data for 2019-20 & 2020-21)

- KS2 2006-07 to 2021-22  (no data for 2019-20 & 2020-21)

- KS4 2014-15 to 2021-22 (inclusive) 

- EYFSP 2012-13 to 2021-22 (no data for 2019-20 & 2020-21)

- PHONICS 2011-12 to 2021-22 (no data for 2019-20 & 2020-21)


GIAP also includes

- School Census 2015-16 to (Aut) 2022-23 (no data for Summer 2019-20)

- Pupil Premium 2020-21 to 2023-24

Logging on

To access the GIAP website you need to log-on to the DfE Secure Access website (opens new window) and then select Get Information About Pupils .

Each school has a super user/approver who controls access to school users, and can add these services to your log-on. Unfortunately the LA is unable to assist with log-on problems, but help resources are available by clicking on the 'Need Help?' button on the initial log-in pages. 


GIAP contains confidential pupil information. Please ensure you keep your log-on details secure.

Searching for pupils

GIAP - click on Search without UPN.  This then allows searching by combinations of names and date of birth.  You can also search by UPN, including a block UPN search similar to Key to Success.

Search tips

When using GIAP and searching without a UPN try different combinations of spellings and dates of birth particularly for unusual spellings, including only entering the first part of a surname or omitting one part of the forename, surname or dob combination just in case some of the details you have been given are incorrect (or different to what was entered by a previous school).

Downloading the pupil data

You then have the option to download the details of the pupils you have searched for via pupil lists, in different formats. 

Pupil premium

GIAP also contains a pupil premium section where you can search for individual pupils to find pupil premium information or download lists of your pupil premium-eligible pupils (produced once a year by the DfE). 

Extra information 

GIAP gives schools the same search facility functionality as the LA users so the LA are limited in what extra assistance they can provide. 

Please note, the above contacts cannot help with log-in problems - please refer to your school main super-user/approver.

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