Norfolk County Council
Signposting to a variety of training and support provided by NCC, to meet the needs of Norfolk education settings, and their workforce.
Teaching and Learning Training
Including training and support for assessment, data, RSHE, wellbeing, subject and curriculum, and a wide range of other information, resources and services.
Leadership CPD
Information, training, support, resources and wider signposting for those on the leadership journey in Norfolk.
EAL EDC Advisory Service
Training, resources, advice and guidance to support English as an Additional Language and Ethnically Diverse Communities. You may also be interested in the GRT (Gypsy Roma Traveller) support and training available.
Early Learning and Childcare
A range of services, including Early Years training and Early Years and childcare leadership support.
ECT Induction support and NAB
Norfolk Appropriate Body (NAB) is the most experienced local Appropriate Body. We continue to provide schools and Early Career Teachers (ECTs) with a robust programme of support, advice and guidance.
Governor Training Services and Resources
Services, products and training for LA maintained schools and academies, supporting school and academy trustees, governors and governors' organisations.
Pupil Safety Behaviour and Attendance
Including information, resources and training for Safeguarding, Restorative Approaches, Norfolk Steps, PATHS Programme, and other services.
SEND Training and Support
A one-stop-shop for current SEND training opportunities.
School Management and Administration
Training, support and resources for School Finance, Educational Visits, and Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
Virtual School
Training for professionals who are supporting the education of children in care, or previously in care.
Critical incident, trauma and bereavement
Training, resources, support and advice for critical incidents, trauma and bereavement for senior leaders and staff - funded centrally for LA schools and early years settings, and by paying an annual subscription for academies. (External website)
Apprenticeships in LA-maintained schools
Funded by the levy, apprenticeships offer choice, opportunity, qualifications, and bespoke support for those in, or interested in a school-based career.