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ECT Induction support (formerly NQT)

Norfolk Appropriate Body

In November, the DfE published a response to the consultation on Appropriate Body (AB) reform (opens new window) and induction assessment.

The following information, taken from a DfE briefing pack, has been adapted for Norfolk schools by the partners listed in the 'key contacts' section below. It summarises:

  • What you need to know about what is changing with AB services
  • What actions you must take to support the induction of Early Career Teachers (ECTs) going forward

What you need to know

  1. Teaching School Hubs (TSH) will become the main provider of AB services from September 2024 (except for specialist ABs for some independent and overseas schools).
  2. Local Authorities (LAs) will withdraw from their AB role in two stages.
    • From September 2023 they will not take on any new ECTs.
    • From September 2024 they will cease operating as ABs.

    This should allow the majority of ECTs who began induction in September 2022 to complete their induction with their current AB without the need to transfer.

  3. From September 2023, all new ECTs need to be registered with a TSH AB.
  4. Schools will also need to ensure that any ECTs who are registered with an LA AB and who do not complete their induction by September 2024 are then transferred to a TSH AB. The partners listed below will work with schools in such circumstances closer to September 2024 to support such transfers.
  5. Norfolk LA AB ('Norfolk Appropriate Body' (NAB)), Inspiration and the Julian TSHs will work together to minimise mid-induction transfers of ECTs between now and September 2024, while continuing to collaborate to ensure consistency of induction support across the region. In preparation for September 2023, both Inspiration and Julian TSHs will:
    • Coordinate and encourage schools to use their local TSH for AB.
    • Scale up their capacity in response to NAB's phased withdrawal from the AB sector.

Timetable of changes

  • ECTs registered 2022 - no change
  • ECTs registered from January 2023 - encouraged to be registered with a local TSH
  • ECTs registered from September 2023 - will no longer have the option to register with NAB

Actions you must take

  1. From September 2023, use a TSH AB for all new ECT registrations. A reminder of the areas that each of the areas that the two Norfolk TSHs cover:
    • Inspiration TSH serves Breckland, Great Yarmouth, South Norfolk and Waveney.
    • Julian TSH serves Broadland, King's Lynn and West Norfolk, North Norfolk and Norwich.
  2. If currently accessing AB services from a local authority - or via National Teacher Accreditation (NTA) - talk to your AB at the earliest opportunity to confirm plans i.e. which TSH AB you will use going forward.
  3. Keep any ECTs registered with NAB or NTA prior to September 2023 with that AB until they complete induction (or until September 2024, whichever is sooner).
  4. Where relevant, give permission to your current AB to share relevant information with your next AB. For schools currently using NAB, this is already covered through the terms and conditions which you agreed to at the point of registration.

Key contacts

Inspiration Teaching School Hub

Contact name: Carmel Greene
Contact email :
Website :

The Julian Teaching School Hub

Contact name: Ben Serruys
Contact email :
Website :

Norfolk Local Authority

Contact name: Denise Beckett
Contact email :
Website :

Additional information

Two additional topics can be found on both TSH websites:

ECT induction policy

Per the DfE, it is a mandatory requirement for schools to have an ECT policy: see "Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts". We have developed this ECT Induction Policy (Word doc) [42KB] for you to 'personalise' as appropriate for your school.

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