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Appropriate Body reform - FAQs

The following information has been adapted by the partners listed in the 'key contacts' section below from information provided by the DfE to be shared with schools.

Please note that references to 'schools' are intended to be read more broadly as all settings and institutions in which induction can be served.

What is changing when?

From 2024, TSHs will become the main provider of AB services (except for specialist ABs for some independent and overseas schools). Local Authorities (LAs) will withdraw from their AB role.

  • From September 2023 they will not take on any additional ECTs.
  • From September 2024 they will cease operating as ABs.

Schools need to work out:

  • Whether they can/would prefer to keep ECTs starting induction in 2022/23 with their current AB until September 2024;
  • Or they could move all existing ECTs to the new AB at the same time.

What if an ECT starts induction after September 2022, or if they work on a part-time basis or require an extension beyond 31st August 2024?

Any ECT registered with an LA AB who has not completed induction by 31st August 2024 will be required to transfer to another AB.

This is a defined cut off point beyond which LA ABs will no longer offer these services.

What choices do I have about when to transfer ECTs?

Schools who currently access AB services through a local authority or National Teacher Accreditation (NTA) will need to ensure that after September 2023 they register all new ECTs with a TSH AB.

If a school has already registered an ECT with an LA AB prior to September 2023, that LA AB can continue to offer AB services to that ECT until September 2024.

If an ECT is registered with an LA AB before September 2023 but does not complete their induction by September 2024, their school will need to ensure that the ECT is then transferred to a TSH AB from September 2024.

If I have an ECT starting in September 2023 who is already halfway through induction can I register them with an LA AB to complete their final year?

No, this will not be possible because LA ABs will not be able to make new registrations after 1 September 2022. All new registrations after this date will need to be with a TSH AB.

In the transition year 2023/24 are schools required to work with two ABs to avoid moving ECTs mid-year?

Schools are supported to make choices in the interests of their ECTs and wherever possible provide stability for them during induction.

Many respondents to the consultation called for a longer transition period so the majority of ECTs who began induction in September 2022 would have the option to avoid disruption by remaining with one AB through the course of their induction. For that reason, the Department extended the period LA ABs may operate with existing ECTs until September 2024.

Local options will vary according to LA capacity, and schools may need to make practical choices about how they access AB services. So, while stability for ECTs should be the priority wherever possible, schools currently accessing AB services from LAs are advised to discuss the options available to them locally.

Do I have to use a TSH AB in the future? What if I can't or don't want to work with my local TSH?

As part of this reform, schools will be encouraged to use the TSH that makes the most sense for their circumstances. For most schools it is anticipated that this will be their local TSH.

Do schools have to use the same TSH as their provider-led ECF-based training delivery partner and to provide their AB services?

No. Although many schools may choose to do this for efficiency, it is not a requirement for schools to use the same organisation for both services. The roles of training provider and AB are separate, and schools can receive these services from different organisations if they wish to. For example, if a school is satisfied with their current training provider, they can still access AB services from a different TSH AB or vice versa.

Why do different ABs charge different fees? Will I have to pay more?

Regulations only allow ABs to recover their costs in the fees they charge for AB services. It may be the case that some schools will not previously have been charged the full cost of providing these services as part of their AB fee, particularly where they may have accessed other services alongside or had funding arrangements with their LA. It is a matter for ABs to determine their fee structure according to their costs and operating models. New AB providers are guided so that their charges do not exceed the cost of supplying the service and should be agreed in advance with the school. TSHs will be supported by the Teaching School Hubs Council (TSHC) in considering their fee structure to reflect the reform and ensure value for money for schools. Julian and Inspiration TSH are working closely together and more widely across the region to ensure fair, consistent and sustainable pricing structures for the region's schools.

What if a local TSH doesn't have capacity to offer my school services?

From September 2023, (when LAs will not be able to claim new ECTs for AB services), every TSH will offer AB services so that every school has access to a TSH AB. Many LAs and TSHs are already working effectively in partnership to ensure a smooth, managed transition of AB services for schools in their areas.

While TSHs are in the process of increasing their capacity during transition, if some are unable to meet demand and offer services to all schools who approach them, they are expected to support schools to find suitable alternative AB provision with a neighbouring AB.

DfE is providing local area ECT data to all ABs to assist their transition and capacity planning and is working with the TSHC to ensure that the TSHs with the most capacity increase demands are supported.

What about independent schools? Which schools and types of institution can access AB services from a TSH?

The Department is clear the default expectation is that TSH ABs should meet local demand for AB services in their area and accept all ECTs when approached regardless of the induction routes the ECTs are on or the type of school or institution they are from. TSH ABs are expected to be prepared to offer services to all schools and settings that are eligible to offer statutory induction, including fee-paying independent schools.

If a TSH, during the transition period, is unable to take on any new ECTs because of capacity challenges, then they will be expected to support the school who approached them to find an alternative provision with a neighbouring TSH as a temporary capacity backstop.

Do schools have to be signed up to a provider-led ECF-based training programme to receive AB services from a TSH?

No. Since all ECTs must be registered with an AB before induction can commence, whether this is induction via the DfE-funded programme or any other route, it is vital they can access AB services. The Department is clear the default expectation is that TSH ABs should meet local demand for AB services in their area and accept all ECTs when approached regardless of the induction routes the ECTs are on or the type of school they are from. TSH ABs should be prepared to offer services (including ECF fidelity checking for non-funded ECF-based programmes) regardless of the type of ECF-based training a school chooses to deliver.

Why are TSHs best placed to do the AB role longer term?

The Department is committed to improving the quality and consistency of AB services.

TSHs offer national coverage through their network of 87 TSHs, they play a significant role in the delivery of DfE-funded ECF-based induction programmes, and each TSH is held accountable against key performance indicators through their formal agreements with the Department.

This makes TSHs ideally placed to offer high-quality and consistent AB services. The Department intends to work closely with the TSHC to build capacity in and encourage consistency across ABs, ensuring all schools have access to high quality AB services.

What happens to induction records after LAs cease to be ABs - what is their responsibility regarding the data they hold? Can they share this with my new TSH AB?

As part of their duties in providing AB services, organisations agree to hold ECT data for a minimum of six years in line with GDPR requirements. It remains the responsibility of the AB that provided these services to keep these records of the ECTs that they offered services to regardless of whether the organisation continues to function as an AB.

For any ECTs transferring to a new AB before they complete induction, schools and ECTs may be asked by their current/previous AB to provide permission to share information with their new AB. Schools are encouraged to provide the necessary permissions around data when requested, to facilitate a well-supported transition for any ECTs moving AB during their induction.

How do I set up my school's Early Career Framework training programme with the DfE's digital service?

To sign up to a provider-led programme for ECF-based training in their school, or sign up to access accredited materials, nominated induction tutors must set up their programme through DfE's online Manage training for early career teachers service. Induction tutors need to have been nominated or sent sign in details to access this service.

For more information on DfE's online service and how to get an account, please visit the GOV.UK's "How to access this service" page.

Where can I get more information?

For information about your local appropriate body services or moving to a new AB, please speak to your current AB in the first instance. All LA and TSHs have been tasked with working together on transition planning and will be able to provide coordinated information about how long local LA AB services are available for and what TSH AB options are available to schools in their area. You can also contact your local TSH directly (see below).

Key contacts

Inspiration Teaching School Hub

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The Julian Teaching School Hub

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