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Nationally available

The following provides some helpful links to nationally available, quality assured training and resources:

The PSHE Association offer accessible CPD & support for busy teachers.  Their CPD is available in more formats than ever before, so you can find the best fit for you and your school or setting! They also offer informal 30-minute one-to-one support sessions with one of their Subject Specialists.  Training and events (

The Sex Ed Forum provide high-quality specialist RSE training courses for professionals in school and youth settings.  Their training calendar offers a selection of our interactive online training courses, available for individuals to book onto and their consultancy offer can support you with an independent, expert and evidence-based perspective on your RSE related activities and provide recommendations for action going forward in the context of the statutory RSHE legislation.

Brook's training programmes for professionals supports with the successful and meaningful implementation of relationships and sex education.  Most of their sessions are aimed at secondary schools and settings or organisations working with young people of secondary school age, but they also support primary schools and settings and younger age groups on request. Some sessions are CPD certified.  Brook's range of training opportunities include sessions around delivering excellent RSE; keeping CYP safe; responding to specific needs and responding to specific themes.

Locally provided

We also provide a range of fully funded training and networks for schools and settings to help develop best practice provision:


Supporting Curriculum Leads - RSHE Bootcamps (£50)

Designed for curriculum leads, we offer a full day workshop, providing schools and settings with everything they need to extend beyond statutory compliance, embedding best practice RSHE. Explore upcoming RSHE: Primary Bootcamp.

Brilliant training with supportive and knowledgeable instructor. I left feeling much more clued up (having only recently taken on the subjects of PSHE and RSHE within my school), confident, inspired, and motivated! It was such an engaging day. (RSHE Bootcamp attendee)

Whole-staff training - RSHE INSET: Teaching skills and strategies (£250)

This two-hour course can be delivered flexibly at a time convenient to you, including twilights or on an inset day, subject to availability. Explore upcoming RSHE INSET: RSHE skills and strategies.

RSHE: Engaging and working with families (£25)

A workshop that will ensure you can confidently engage families to participate in your school's delivery of RSHE and in their children's RSHE learning. RSHE: engaging and working with families | Norfolk Services for Schools


RSHE Network meetings (fully funded)

It is vital that we work together to improve practice across our Norfolk schools and settings; access our fully funded RSHE network webinars and join a community of schools and settings embedding effective RSHE across Norfolk. RSHE Network | Norfolk Services for Schools


Useful resources, including previous network meeting and webinar content, are accessible on our RSHE Culture and Curriculum: welcome, safe, included padlet.

Themed events

Join us in celebrating these themed events in your school or setting.

RSHE Thematic Webinars and guidance

Anti-Bullying Week '23 'Make A Noise About Bullying' (w/b 13/11/23)

Anti-Bullying Week is an opportunity to remind everyone whether it's in school, at home, in the community or online, we can bring an end to bullying. This year's activities focus on how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying.

Safer Internet Day '24: "Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online" (06/02/24)

Safer Internet Day is an event organised in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, which aims to promote the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. This year's activities focus on how technology and the internet has changed over time, can change people's feelings, and know how to get help from a trusted adult.

RSE Day '24: Theme TBC (27/06/2024)

RSE Day is a day to celebrate great Relationships and Sex Education in schools and settings and other settings.  The theme for RSE Day 2024 will be announced in March and  materials with lots of creative ways to involve children and young people in discussions about healthy relationships and other RSE themes will be provided.