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Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR)

Key bene­fits

Summarises and analyses the available data about a school, primarily for Ofsted Inspectors when preparing for, and during school inspections.

How to access

DfE sign-in account required with associated permissions for your school


  • The DfE Sign-in approver for your school (usually Headteacher), can give permissions to access the IDSR to your user account.
  • For setting up new accounts for DfE Sign-in or resetting passwords for users please contact DfE by completing this form
  • The data in the IDSR is largely provided by the DfE. If your query is about the values displayed, then please contact the DfE Data collections service request form
  • If you have a query about calculations used in the IDSR, for example percentile ranks, please contact the IDSR team Email:

Further Guidance and Support

A guide the inspection data summary report (IDSR) for primary and secondary schools, including schools with a sixth form and guidance on interpreting the data School inspection data summary report (IDSR) guide

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