News for Norfolk Education Providers
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School Attendance & Children Missing Education - briefing on key changes for September 2024
This briefing aims to provide Headteachers, Senior Attendance Champions, Governors and Trust with an overview of the changes in the national framework for attendance and the support on offer from the Local Authority via the Attendance and Children Missing Education Teams.
Fully funded programme for schools/settings with Ukrainian Refugees, Sign up today
We are delighted to offer you an easy to access, fully funded programme, enabling you and your staff to meet the needs of your school community more effectively. The programme includes interpretation; CPD; Norfolk Steps; nationally accredited awards; funding for GSCE support, staff cover costs.
Norfolk and Suffolk Music Hub Subscriptions
Reminder to renew your FREE subscription to Norfolk and Suffolk Music Hub.
Norfolk Steps - providing evidence-based strategies to promote positive behaviour.
Improved offer and now fully funded for academic year 24/25!
All you need to support children and young people with English as an additional language in your school/setting.
The fully-funded support offers a comprehensive and flexible programme, providing schools and settings with the guidance and tools to meet the needs of children and young people (CYP) with English as an additional language (EAL).
All you need to support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and young people in your school/setting
Get your Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) ready for the new academic year! Secure your training dates now!
Social, Emotional and Mental Health graduated offer of support for schools, including new e-learning to audit and evidence effectiveness of provision.
DfE - Prevent virtual training sessions
The Department for Education (DfE) Regional Prevent Co-ordinator Team are delivering some virtual training sessions for DSLs, school governors and trustees throughout October, November and December 2024.
Update on the Support staff pay offer
Following the National Employers full and final pay offer for colleagues covered by the Local Government Services (Green book) 2024-25, Unison are balloting members in Norfolk schools on industrial action.