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Safeguarding news & updates

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Keep up to date with the Education Safeguarding Team.

We publish a newsletter once every term with relevant safeguarding information for Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools and colleges across Norfolk. The newsletter will not duplicate information contained within MI sheets distributed on E-Courier.

MI Sheets

MI sheet updates from academic year 2023/2024

MI sheet updates from academic year 2022/2023

MI sheet updates from academic year 2021/2022

Updating safeguarding knowledge

In addition to regular training, both DSLs and staff should update their safeguarding knowledge. This could be through the following:

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)

All staff

  • Reading a newsletter produced by DSLs
  • Attending staff meetings / briefings with a safeguarding focus
  • Reading recently published guidance documents
  • Completing other training packages on specific areas of safeguarding